Christian Vision
During the academic year 2018/ 2019 we consulted on and updated our mission statement and developed our current Vision. We wanted to celebrate and incorporate our history. We reference forging futures as a part of our history as our school was established in 1745, alongside Morecambe Parish Church, by Francis Bowes, a local blacksmith.
The Process
Many people were involved to help us create our vision. Lisa Horobin led staff training on how to set a Christian Vision, Paul Adnitt (our then Diocesan advisor) met and led the governors through a similar meeting. We were challenged to create a 35-word vision and to identify a verse from the scriptures. Parents were encouraged to share their ideas at a social evening, and at the February parents’ evening. The community were invited to comment at the local Christmas Tree Festival that year. The children all submitted ideas via the School Council.
Finally, the Vision and Values Committee met several times in 2019 to consider all these opinions and establish a clear cohesive vision for the school:
As a sanctuary of Christian love, we forge futures in our community. We inspire a joy of learning and a delight in one another. In faith, we are refined through challenge, growing with God, together.
The light shines in the darkness and the darkness shall not overcome it.
John 1 v.5