British Values
Promoting British Values
- Through worship themes the children explore ways in which they can learn to trust in God (worship folder). Pupils are able to practice their faith without fear of prejudice or bullying. Self-worth, self-respect and trust are promoted within the Christian ethos of the school.
- Our Behaviour for Learning enables us to teach behaviours and values such as perseverance & listening and reward children for displaying them.
- We have a School Council representing all children and Y6 all have structured responsibilities across the school with all children being given some responsibilities within their classes.
- Through the Family Point system, Circle Time and School Council children learn to have ownership of their learning environment.
- We support a number of designated charities. This is weekly through church collection and then at specific times such as Advent and Lent.
- Our Christian ethos and weekly visits to church help the children to feel part of the wider community.
- We consulted all stake holders on choosing 7 Christian Values to explicitly teach. These are : peace, hope, trust, forgiveness, friendship, thankfulness, compassion
- Close links with PCSO, Children’s Centre and ChildLine who deliver sessions to children on a wide range of topics such a healthy eating, ‘Every Action has a Consequence’, internet safety and safeguarding.
- Sessions have been held for parents to address internet safety in the home.
- Daily acts of collective worship, one per week in church, and times of prayer and reflection in class encourage the children to be aware of their spiritual development.
- Through the development of the new Blackburn Diocese RE syllabus and our work using Values for Life materials children are beginning to think about their own and others’ experiences.
- Our School Council has represented the school at local civic events, giving the children experiences of wider democracy.
- Every child takes part in elections in school for School Council or House Captains.
- Visits from PCSO and Children’s Centre to deliver programmes such as ‘Every Action has a Consequence’ highlight the rule of law.
- School celebrates events such as the Diamond Jubilee and marks occasions such as Remembrance Day so that children can become familiar with British culture.
- The school has a history of linking with schools in other, very different locations (Dodoma, Tanzania) and we are looking to continue this work.
- Year 5 & 6 have adopted Commonwealth War Graves next to the school and visit twice a year (Armistice Day and Armed Forces Day) they will research ‘their’ grave. This gives them an insight into how history has shaped their world.
- Children respect other’s needs and interests and are able to have a reasoned discussion about moral dilemmas.
- We support different charities and at harvest we collect tinned food to distribute to the homeless or contribute to our local food bank. This makes children aware of need within their own community as well as the wider world.
- Members of the community were asked ‘Why is it good to live in Britain?’ These answers were displayed and promote a positive outlook on our country.