Our Curriculum
Poulton-le-Sands Curriculum Plan
At Poulton-le-Sands C of E Primary School, we believe deeply in the importance of helping pupils develop as a whole person – happy and ready to take the next steps into their education and lives beyond primary school. We are an inclusive, family school that aims to provide a sanctuary for all our children and be a safe place to learn. Our teaching and learning ensures our Christian values shine through, so that we may continue to be a permanent light within our community. Our curriculum is broad and balanced and gives value to all subject areas – it gives children a range of opportunities, enabling them to develop confidence, independence, creativity, co-operation and self-esteem.
At Poulton-le-Sands C of E Primary School, we have developed a bespoke curriculum based on place (Morecambe, Lancashire) whilst following the National Curriculum requirements and incorporating elements of the Morecambe Bay curriculum. Through doing this local approach, we can nurture a deeper, richer understanding of and care for Morecambe Bay, through developing the knowledge and skills needed for our children to pursue their dreams and ambitions, making an active contribution to the community.
All children follow the National Curriculum in:
· Literacy
· Maths
· Geography
· Art
· Science
· Music
· History
· Physical Education
· Design Technology
· Computing
In English, we follow the Lancashire units of work, in order to provide rich reading and writing opportunities and outcomes for the children. In maths, we also follow the Lancashire scheme. In PSHE, we use Coram Life Education to provide a whole-school approach to building essential foundations based on the core values of safety, care, achievement, resilience and friendship. For RE, we use the Blackburn Diocesan syllabus – Questful RE – which includes teaching Christianity and world faiths.
As a school, we are a hidden jewel in Morecambe and we endeavour to use our unique location.
We want to provide enrichment to the curriculum and above the expected, in order to give the children the skills and experiences they need in order to thrive in the world. We have made informed choices about what experiences we want to include and how they build over time across the curriculum – these are our lifeboat experiences that “rescue us from the ordinary!” We include both off and on-site experiences in our curriculum and make the most of our locality. Please click the following link to find out more! Lifeboat List.
Reception – Keer Class
At Poulton-le-Sands CE Primary School, we are passionate about providing the best curriculum we can for your child which will allow them to develop a thirst and joy for learning together with the confidence to ask questions, learn from their mistakes and achieve their very best.
Please click on the links below to find out more about our Reception curriculum.
KS1 and KS2
Here at Poulton-le-Sands, our classes are named after the rivers which feed Morecambe Bay.
Please click on the links below to see the curriculum overviews for each class.
Termly Newsletter
If you are interested to know in more detail what our children are learning, please view each class’s half termly newsletter.
Autumn Term